

How to book for workshops

Email workshops@nswbookbinders.org.au to put your name on a workshop list.

Then send in your payment by internet banking to:
BB: 012-006
Account: 953215895
Account name: NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders
Please make sure the REFERENCE contains the workshop code (Tutorinitialsdaymonth) eg AB1003

OR Send a cheque or money  order made out to NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders 
and send to this postal address within 7 days to secure your place.

Non-members will be charged a membership fee of $30 for the first class that they take. Subsequent classes will then be paid for at usual membership rates. The fee covers insurance, and workshop use.

NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders
PO Box 1110,
Rozelle 2039

No payments will be accepted on the day of the workshop.
A place will not be allocated to you until payment is received.
At the time of booking please advise an email address or postal address to receive
notification and a materials list.
Confirmations are sent to participants as soon as the workshop has been confirmed.
A confirmation will be posted or emailed to you. Please bring it to the workshop.

Places will be allocated on a strictly first come first served basis. The maximum number of workshop participants is 8 –10, depending on the nature of the workshop. Beginners courses are limited to 8.

Please assume once your payment has been received once you are booked into a workshop, unless you are notified that the class is full or has been cancelled.

Please advise if you need a receipt for tax purposes if you have made and internet transfer.


If a participant withdraws prior to a workshop  the workshop coordinator needs to be advised at least one week prior to the workshop. You may request to use your payment  for another workshop.

 If you withdraw in the week just before the workshop you may be charged a processing fee of 15% of the  course fee if asking for a refund.

We cancel courses if the numbers are not sufficient to cover  costs. We will refund your payment or you may request to use it to pay for another workshop.